General Mitchell International Airport (GMIA) Redundant Feeder

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With the expansion of the terminal and the addition of a new parking structure, GMIA needed to improve reliability and continuity of electric power service by installing redundant feeders from a new alternate power source into various distribution facilities.


Kapur staff provided site design as well as structural design for the building, duct banks, vaults, and power and communication manholes at the new powerhouse on the airport grounds.

Our design, which included new communication duct banks, tied six substations to the new powerhouse. Over 3,400 linear feet of new duct system was designed to increase electrical capacity at the powerhouse from 4.3MVA to 8.6MVA. This provides sufficient power to the expanded terminal, which now requires 6.0MVA and will need 11.5MVA by 2025.

The project required extensive utility coordination with electric and gas facilities on site, and careful consideration of existing infrastructure. The project was designed to phase construction to minimize disruptions to air traffic.

Services Provided

  • Site design
  • Structural design
  • Electrical design

Industries Covered

  • Site Design
  • Electrical


Our staff improved reliability and continuity of electric power service throughout GMIA. Our designs for the building, duct banks, vaults, and manholes for the powerhouse were constructed with no lapses in power and no disruptions to air traffic flow.